--------------------------------------------------------------- Screen Ruler for Windows 95/NT Version: 1.1 January 1998 --------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Jesse Carneiro Micro Fox Software Address: P.O. Box 14932 / Columbus, Ohio 43214-0932 / USA Shareware: US$15 (cash, check, VISA, MasterCard - see note below) Screen Ruler is a great virtual ruler ready to be dragged around on your computer screen. This Windows 95/NT 32bit application is very useful to measure objects in Pixels. It features a vertical or horizontal orientation, a dynamic mouse measurement tracking, custom length, plus it can also remain on top, above all windows. Try it! Named "Cool Tool" by Internet World magazine. Very handy when designing Web Pages and other screen layouts. The registered version is even better. --------------------------------------------------------------- Features --------------------------------------------------------------- * Double-click on the ruler itself to make it flip from horizontal to vertical orientation and vice-versa. * Left-click on the ruler to drag it to a new position. * Right-click on the ruler to bring up its menu. * Use the arrow keys to move the ruler 1 pixel at a time. The CTRL-Arrow Key combination allows you to move it by 10 pixels at a time. * Clicking on the leftmost square icon will exit the program. * Clicking on the second square icon (with hatch marks) will flip the ruler. Equivalent to double-clicking on the ruler itself to change its orientation. * Clicking on the double-arrow icon allows you to drag the right (or bottom) side of the ruler giving it a new custom length. The minimum length on the unregistered version is 400 pixels (registered version is 300). The maximum length is 1200 pixels. While you drag the grow icon, the ruler tracks the new length in the measurement display. * The ruler dims its title "Screen Ruler" to gray when it's NOT the currently active application (the one on the front) even if it is marked to always be on top of all windows. Click on the ruler or use ALT-Tab to make it active. * Screen Ruler uses a specially designed cursor. Its 1 pixel tail-like line protrudes beyond the ruler itself as an aid in precisely measuring objects down to the pixel. The cursor must be over the active or inactive ruler for it to change to its unique shape. * The mouse tracking mechanism constantly watches the cursor position and informs you of its location relative to the bottom left corner of the ruler (the zero point). Even when the ruler is NOT the currently active window. * Releasing the ALT key (or F10) pops up the menu. You can then use the mouse or the arrow keys to make your selection. Use the ESC key to send the menu away. * If your computer is equipped with a sound card capable of playing wave files, one of the menu items will say "Make Click Sound", otherwise it will just say "Make Beep Sound." When this menu item is checked, it allows a "click" sound to be heard when you move the ruler with the arrow keys. * If you need two or more rulers on the screen at the same time, just double-click the Screen Ruler icon again, another copy of it will run. * The "About Screen Ruler" menu item has our address, e-mail, home page, etc. It also contains notice of the fact that Screen Ruler is NOT free. It is being distributed on the shareware honor system. That is, to continue its development we depend on continued user support in the form of payment of the shareware registration fee of only US$15. It's really up to you! * The "Register" menu item enables you to conveniently register Screen Ruler's shareware fee. If you have a web browser application such as Netscape or Internet Explorer installed in your computer, this menu runs it and automatically points the browser to our web home page. Follow the links there to register online. If there's no browser installed, this menu opens a form file ready for you to fill it and mail it. This feature is also triggered from the "link" found in the "About Screen Ruler" dialog box. * When you send your US$15 registration fee, we will send you via e-mail a copy with your name prominently displayed in the About Box. To send via regular mail requires an extra US$5. Please send your name, postal address, e-mail, phone and also the version number you are registering. Please indicate that you are registering the Windows version, because we also have a Macintosh version. * The "Help" menu brings up the document you are now reading. * Unregistered copies of Screen Ruler will randomly display at startup, the message "Please Register Screen Ruler." After some usage, it appends "Used x times." to the above message. If that number gets too high, you might consider getting a copy with your name in it. * The "Always on Top" menu item essentially makes the ruler always float above all windows. Technically speaking, it can go under other windows who share the same TOPMOST status. * The "Slide to Zero" menu item will shift the ruler horizontally or vertically to the edge of the screen. * You may also use accelerator key combinations (such as CTRL-F, CTRL-S, CTRL-A and CTRL-M) for its features. * The "Minimize" menu item will shrink the ruler to an icon on the Windows taskbar. * When you exit Screen Ruler, it automatically saves its settings in the Windows Registry. * Currently this version (1.0) of the ruler only measure in Pixels. The remaining dimmed items in the menu reflect other types of measurements implemented in the registered version. --------------------------------------------------------------- Note --------------------------------------------------------------- The version you get when you register has more measurements and other cool enhancements. Well worth the small investment. We suggest you keep the Screen Ruler handy by dragging its icon over the Widows 95 Start Button on the Taskbar. In all likelihood, this version has already been updated. Get the latest version. If you haven't registered yet, please do. You will receive early notification of new releases plus a special version directly from us (via e-mail) with your name prominently displayed in the About Box. If you get the message "This is an old version of Screen Ruler," is because it has been over a year since it was released (time to get an updated version), or your computer clock is not set to the current date. --------------------------------------------------------------- Easy To Register --------------------------------------------------------------- For your convenience, Screen Ruler's registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware , a service run by Kee Nethery . This allows shareware authors to concentrate on their programs while Kagi takes care of processing orders. In addition to cash in various currencies and US checks drawn on USA banks, Kagi Shareware also accepts credit card registrations by mail, fax, or e-mail. Alternatively, if you so chose, you can pay by cash (yes, some people prefer it) or US check. In this case, you can send it directly to me at the address given below. Kagi also handles invoices and site licenses for organizations. Visit their web site for more information. We have made registering Screen Ruler quick and simple. Thank you for your time and for trying Screen Ruler. Write or e-mail any suggestions, comments or bugs to: Jesse Carneiro Micro Fox Software P.O. Box 14932 Columbus, OH 43214-0932 USA shareware@kagi.com (for registration matters) --------------------------------------------------------------- A Personal Statement --------------------------------------------------------------- There is a force in the known universe that wants you to be a winner. Your life was given by the grace of God. The eternal continuation of your life is offered by the sheer belief in Jesus Christ as your Savior. --------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Stuff --------------------------------------------------------------- ©1998 Jesse Carneiro, Micro Fox Software Usual disclaimers apply: Jesse Carneiro and Micro Fox Software accept no responsibility for any incidental or consequential damage of any sort as a direct or indirect result of using this software. The software is provided "as is," and no warranties are made as to its fitness for a particular purpose. ---------------------------------------------------------------